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Lavender Harvest with Oma

Watching our children learn from us can be a wonderful thing, but there is something even more magical about sitting on the sidelines as they learn from their grandparents. This summer when we were visiting my in-laws in Europe, Emma had the opportunity to harvest the lavender with her Oma and prepare little pouches of it to keep everyone's clothing smelling nice.

What special experiences or learning opportunities have your children had with their grandparents or other relatives or special friends that they couldn't have had with you?

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Reader Comments (1)

That looks so fun!

My MIL helps my son pick and taste apples off her tree, and they collect bugs together which is nice because I think that's a great thing for kids to do, but am a bit squeamish myself. Lol.

His favorite thing to do with my mom is bake cookies. They're a great team!

September 5, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterCrunchy Con Mom
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