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If you catch me humming Elmo's Song ...

As I walk through the hallways at work or down the street on my lunch break, I keep catching myself humming Elmo's Song. Maybe it's because it is a catchy tune. Or maybe there is more to it...

Some background

Around my son's first birthday, we had a long drive to our vacation destination. We had just purchased a Sesame Street DVD for home and it came with a free sampler Elmo CD with 3 songs on it. So we popped it in the car, just in case we needed some kids music for the drive.  Part way there, despite taking breaks along the way, he had had enough of the car. The only thing that stopped the whining and screaming was Elmo's Song. We listened to it over and over and over again. So often that I swore I would never listen to it again.

The song itself is not bad. Not great mind you, but it is catchy I guess. Elmo singing it can get on your nerves. I mean I love Kathleen Edwards' song The Cheapest Key and can listen to it over and over and over again, but if Elmo was singing it instead of Kathleen, I think I would tire of it pretty quick. In any case, what I think of the song soon became irrelevant. It was the song that has immediately calmed down both of my children as babies and toddlers when travelling in the car. I was sold.

Fast forward to today

My daughter is a bit of a grump these days, which is not at all like her. She is usually a smiling happy girl. And she does love Elmo ("MoMo" as she calls him). So when I get home from work, I sing Elmo's Song as I hold her in a sling and make dinner. Or I sing Elmo's Song as I put her to sleep. Or while changing her diaper. It is a way to distract and comfort her at the times that she needs it.

So while I'm at work, I find myself singing or humming Elmo's Song. Not out loud most of the time (I hope!), but its playing in my head for sure. And I'm thinking of my little girl and feeling like I'm reaching out and comforting her from afar. Just like expressing my milk on my lunch break at work allows me to leave a piece of me with her during the day, humming Elmo's Song makes me feel like I'm reaching out to her.

This is the song
La la la la

Elmo's song.
La la la la,
La la la la,
Elmo's song.La la la
La la la la, la
La la la
La la la la, la ...


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Reader Comments (7)

My toddler loves Elmo too ~ but she's become a real grouch lately ~ if you sing something while it's not playing she says "it's over Mommy". yikes!

July 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJackie

[...] daughter until she was 18 months old. I would think of them constantly during the day and even get caught humming Elmo’s song over and over again as my brain connected with them despite our physical separation. The drive home [...]

[...] process. He wanted his back rubbed while being sang to. The Thomas the Tank Engine theme song, the Elmo Song, the Wheels on the Bus, over and over and over again. He wasn’t always quick to fall asleep [...]

Elmo (or Um-mo, as she calls him) is Lily's COMPLETE OBSESSION right now. I can relate to your mixture of feelings about the song. It's a combination of fondness and irritation that, well, fits right in with having a toddler, period, really!

March 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDou-la-la

[...] process. He wanted his back rubbed while being sang to. The Thomas the Tank Engine theme song, the Elmo Song, the Wheels on the Bus, over and over and over again. He wasn’t always quick to fall asleep [...]

Um...yeah...that is just about all we hear with our 2 year old. So it's no surprise the tune won't erase from my head.

:P I have a dance version of it. :) I'm not even a mom yet... but in my defense, I do work with small children. ^_^

July 9, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMandy
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